How to convert Kusama to BTC


Converting KSM to other currencies

To convert KSM to fiat, use the Beaxy converter below. Enter the sum and currency you wish to pay with, select the digital asset you want to get and click Buy to complete the purchase. With Beaxy, you can receive dozens of currency pairs by placing the order directly in the converter without any additional steps.

About KSM

KSM is a native token of the Kusama decentralized network. Substrate-based cryptocurrency plays a key role in operating and maintaining the network. It was developed by the same team as Palkadot. Kusama is designed to be a “parachain” or parallel chain to Polkadot, providing the same features and benefits but focusing on scalability and security. 


Kusama was launched in 2020. Its name comes from the Japanese word for “pioneer” or “trailblazer.” The main function of the KSM token is to encourage good behavior on the Kusama network. The more KSM tokens that are staked in the network, the more secure and valuable the network becomes. Stakers earn rewards for good behavior, such as maintaining uptime or participating in governance. The KSM token can also be used to pay for fees on the network.


KSM Market Cap is $294,046,409. To understand the cryptocurrency capacity, you should analyze the graphs and charts. According to the statistics, the highest KSM price of $623.75 was fixed on May 18, 2021. The lowest price ever was on Jan 14, 2020. KSM dropped to $0.9158.


Beaxy provides easy access to dozens of fiat and cryptocurrencies. To convert Kusama, you need to be an authorized user. The registration is quick, create an account and pass the verification. You can deposit funds and buy or sell tokens when you receive full access to all functions. On Beaxy, it is possible to use credit/debit cards or fiat money. You can link your bank account to deposit and withdraw money via wire transfer. After placing the order, the system will transfer you to Simplex. On the transaction portal, you will finish the purchase. The main benefit of working on Beaxy is safety. We provide the highest security standards in storing your funds as used in financial institutions, thanks to our partnership with Fireblocks. Users’ wallets are protected with bulletproof cryptographic tech. 


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