How to convert Tezos to BTC


Converting XTZ to other currencies

Do you need to convert fiat to XTZ? Use the converter below to check the conversion rate. Select the fiat currency you need and see the current price of XTZ. Don’t waste time and place an order to buy currency directly from the converter.

About XTZ

The native cryptocurrency of the Tezos network is called Tez or Tezos tokens (XTZ). XTZ is a cryptocurrency that was created in 2017. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol and has a block size of 2 MB. The volume of XTZ in the market is unmeasured. According to the last report, the total supply is 900 million tokens. The Tezos protocol is based on a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm, which means that XTZ holders participate in the network by staking their tokens. XTZ tokens are used to pay transaction fees and rewards for participating in consensus and governance. The ecosystem consists of several organizations, including Tezos Foundation, to support the Tezos protocol and provide stable platform growth. The project shows steady expansion and adoption. The future of XTZ looks bright. With the community’s support, it will continue to scale and thrive.


To buy XTZ on Beaxy easily, you can use your smartphone and download the Beaxy exchange mobile app. It is available for Android and iOS. After downloading, you receive full access to main functions, buying or selling transactions, and your funds will be stored securely. The main benefit of using the Beaxy mobile app is prompt access to your account anytime and anywhere worldwide. 


XTZ is a cryptocurrency that can be traded on Beaxy. It can be converted into fiat or cryptocurrency in a few clicks. The procedure is fast and simple. To trade XTZ, you must first create an account to log in. The next step is to complete a KYC verification. Then, you will access your account and be able to replenish funds and manage the trades. Once you have deposited funds, you can then place an order. Buy XTZ on Beaxy using fiat money or your credit card. Also, it is possible to trade XTZ-BTC. You will be transferred to the Simplex transaction portal to complete the purchase.


The Beaxy exchange offers a high level of security for its users. Your cryptocurrency is stored in your wallet, which is protected with multiple layers of security. Beaxy uses both hot and cold storage to protect your assets.