Market Capitalization (Market CAP/MCAP)
Market Capitalization (Market CAP/MCAP)

Pertaining to the total capitalization of a cryptocurrency’s price, Market Capitalization is one of the ways that the relative size of a cryptocurrency could be determined.  In general, prior to the booming of the cryptocurrency…

Lightning Network
Lightning Network

In Bitcoin, the Lightning Network pertains to the second layer of payment protocol that runs on top of a blockchain  As the name suggests, the Lightning Network works in such a way that it enables…


In the field of Computer Programming, “Library” pertains to the efficiently-documented collation of stable resources. Such may include executable files, documentation, message templates, and written codes. Collections of pre-written modules also fall under this category….

Initial Token Offering (ITO)
Initial Token Offering (ITO)

Similar to an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), an Initial Token Offering (ITO), sometimes also called an Initial Cryptocurrency Offering, focuses on the offering of tokens with either proven or unproven, innate utility through a software…

Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)
Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

An Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) pertains to a fundraising event in the context of the cryptocuurrency industry. In an IEO, a cryptocurrency exchange raises money on its own platform, in contrast to an ICO that…


Hash pertains to both the function and the process of performing a hash function. Referring to the process, it is the act of performing a hash function on input data of a tentative size. This…

Hard Fork (Blockchain)
Hard Fork (Blockchain)

Hard Fork pertains to a protocol classification that has the capability of validating all transactions that have been previously tagged invalid. Proportionally, it also invalidates all transactions that have been previously determined as valid.  In…

Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)
Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)

Popularly known as a graphics card, the Graphical Processing Unit or GPU refers to a computer chip that produces 3D images on computers. It manipulates and modifies memory to expedite image creation and is used…

Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency
Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency

A Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency is an issued coin or token that represents gold’s value, for instance, one physical gram of gold equals one digital coin. This gram of this safe-haven asset is kept in a safe…
